
The Best Light Alarms You Can Get Your Hands On
Many of us aren’t morning people. To get up to go to work takes a lot of effort. Or maybe you aren’t such a person and you wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and energized. Either way who doesn’t like to wake up to a splendid sun rise? Well,“like” is a different matter and “able to” is another thing all together. But with these best light alarms you will be able to enjoy the sunrise, albeit a stimulated one at that. Even so you will feel energized and ready to start the day a fresh. These alarms will especially be a great investment in those winter months when it’s still dark outside and you don’t want to wake up. So, to get a fresh start on the day we have compiled a list of the best light alarms that there is.
Firstly, What’s so Great in a Light Alarm?
Light alarms or dawn simulators or wake up lights come with various shades of colours you commonly see in a sunrise. As the alarm goes, the colour is first an orange and red, after a while it changes to yellowish white hues. This is just like when the sun rises. The main idea behind this gadget is that as the light changes your body reacts to it in a positive way, even while your asleep. After that you’re awake, feeling refreshed and not like someone drenched you with a bucket of water. Great for us not- morning – people!
Like all things in this world no two light alarms are the same, unless they’re from the same brand. There are certain features you might want to look out first before making any buying decision.
Light Settings- Depending on the make of the light alarm you get, you maybe able to adjust the light intensities. This is something that you can do in pricier models. While others will just allow you to set a time to wake up by and that’s it. The Philips Somneo comes with 25 different intensities replicating the actual sunrise.
Before we Start- a Little Buying Advice on Buying the best light alarms:
Sound Settings– This is something you probably would overlook while buying a light alarm. Well of course why would you look at a sound settings when it’s a light alarm? The reason many manufacturers include sound settings with a light alarm is so that you won’t sleep through it. If it happened to have only light settings then there is a chance that you might just snooze through your stimulated sunrise.
Here again there are a bunch of options to choose from. You can get a beep, which is so abrasive you went for a light alarm in the first place or soothing wave sounds or even radio or an AUX input which allows you to play music through your phone. Whatever it is, it should be something that will wake you up feeling refreshed.
Sunset Modes- This one is to help you fall asleep. It is meant to lull you asleep as the sun sets or the stimulated version of it anyway. Here again you have your range of customisable options- sound effects, breathing modes and so on.
SAD lamps- It’s not what it’s called. SAD lamps or Seasonal Affective Disorder lamps, treat, you guessed it- Seasonal disorders. To do this they have to be certified to emit at least 2,500 lux.
Finally, to what we’re here for…
Philips Somneo Sleep and Wake Up Light as one of the best light alarms to Own:
This is arguably one of the best light alarms on the market. That being said it also costs a lot. But with its list of great features and space age design that it has going on, it all maybe worth the price tag.
With this light alarm there are no physical buttons only a touchscreen option which is on the light itself. You can use these to customise the light settings for both the sunrise as well as sunset. There are 25 light intensity settings and various time settings as well. You even have a choice of noise from bird song to temple gongs.
You can even set two alarms for different days of the week. Add to this list of features a breathing guide and you’re guaranteed to have a goodnight’s sleep. It also comes with AUX input and FM radio if you like waking up to the tunes of your favourite RJ.
LumieBodyclock Shine:
This is one of the best light alarms on the market, that may not cost as much as the Philips one above but can still boast of a number of cool features.
This light alarm comes with a host of light and sound settings. The mixed LED lights that it comes with shine realistic colours of the sunrise. These lights shift in intensities too, replicating the actual sunrise in a 15 to 90 minutes span.
This alarm can also be set with a tone such as a beep- what are you buying it for then? A Ping pong sound- who wakes up to a ping pong match, Stream train- where are they getting these options from anyway and the much better option of the sound of waves.
One thing to remember with this one though, is if you disconnect the mains it goes back to factory settings.
Lenovo Smart Clock as one of the best light alarms to Have- also it’s Cheaper than the other ones:
This smart alarm clock is not really your average light alarm so to speak. It’s basically a smart display powered by Google Assistant. But the screen does turn bright just before it rings, so it kind of counts as one.
The light may not be as bright as other truly light alarm clocks but it does help. With this one though you get all the features of Google Assistant like voice control, listening to music, checking the weather and more. There’s still a bunch of functionality with this one that other alarm clocks don’t have.